• 18 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 4 Files

  • Why We Use ManyChat To Build Instagram DM Automation

  • Create Your ManyChat Account

  • ManyChat: How We Use The Flow Builder

  • ManyChat: Flow Actions

  • ManyChat: Instagram DM User Input

  • ManyChat: When To Use Regular Quick Replies Vs. User Input Quick Replies

  • ManyChat: How To Use Buttons In Instagram DM

  • ManyChat: When To Use a Tag versus Custom User Field versus Bot Field

  • ManyChat: How We Name Tags

  • ManyChat: How We Name Custom User Fields

  • ManyChat: How We Use Bot Fields For Links

  • ManyChat: How We Name Bot Fields

  • ManyChat: How We Use and Name Conversion Events

  • ManyChat: How To Test Your Instagram Flows

  • ManyChat: How To Ensure Users Complete Your Funnels, Using Abandonment Recovery Messages

  • ManyChat: Instagram DM Conversation Starters "Ice Breakers"

  • Instagram DM Funnel Building Checklist

  • How To Drive Traffic To Your Instagram DMs

  • How We Name Our Growth Tools

  • How We Name Our Growth Tool Flows

  • How We Name Our Growth Tool Tags

  • How We Create Growth Tool Flows

  • Create a Keyword Trigger

  • How To Choose Keywords

  • Your ManyChat Template

  • What Should You Use? Integromat Vs. Zapier

  • What Integrations Do You Need At First?

  • Zapier: Introduction

  • Integromat: Introduction

  • Integromat: Multi-Step Scenario Examples

  • Integromat: Error Handling with ManyChat

  • Checklist: Launch Your New IG DM Funnel

  • Checklist: Monitor Your New Funnel For The First 5 Days and Optimize