• 110 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • Welcome

  • How to Join Our Agency Partner Network (where we send you clients)

  • The School of Bots 5-Pillar Training System

  • What is a Chatbot?

  • Chatbot Marketing System Platforms and Their Roles In The Ecosystem

  • Chatbot Team Structure

  • ManyChat: Platform Fast Facts

  • The Latest Facebook Messenger Stats

  • The Latest SMS/Text Message Marketing Stats

  • The Latest Mobile Wallet Stats

  • Instagram and WhatsApp Chatbots

  • What is Interoperability?

  • Platforms On The Horizon That You Should Be Aware of

  • The Chatbot Readiness Checklist For Businesses

  • Chatbot Case Studies By Industry

  • How Messenger Bots Can Generate ROI

  • School of Bots™ Framework: The 6 Levels of Chatbot Marketing

  • The Chatbot Marketing Tech Stack

  • The School of Bots™ MSO Framework: The 3 Dimensions Your Chatbot Needs To Have

  • Asana Project Template: Chatbot Campaign Management / Client Template

  • School of Bots™ Framework: The Minimum Viable Bot (MVB)

  • School of Bots™ Framework: First Bot Funnel (FBF) Formula

  • When To Use The MVB

  • ManyChat: Minimum Viable Bot Template

  • What To Do After You Create Your MVB

  • The Ultimate Chatbot Marketing System

  • How To Segment Your Users

  • Create a Demo Bot For Training Purposes

  • How Do We Build Messenger Bots?

  • Do I Have To Use ManyChat?

  • Create Your ManyChat Account

  • Get 30 Days of ManyChat Pro For Free, As A School of Bots Member

  • ManyChat Platform Walk-through

  • Subscribe to Updates on Facebook Messenger Issues

  • ManyChat: Flow Builder Capabilities

  • ManyChat: Flow Actions

  • ManyChat: External Request

  • ManyChat: Copy and Paste From 1 Flow To Another, Even Cross-Page

  • ManyChat: Basic Builder vs. Flow Builder

  • Building Your Messenger Bot Skeleton

  • How to Test Your Chatbot Flows (Previewing)

  • Download the Facebook Messenger App on Mobile and Desktop

  • ManyChat: Your "Main Menu" Checklist

  • ManyChat: Create Your Default Reply

  • ManyChat: Create Your Welcome Message

  • ManyChat: Create Your Greeting Text

  • 2 Types of Quick Replies and When to Use Them

  • Message Abandonment Recovery - How To Follow Up With Users

  • ManyChat: Growth Tools

  • ManyChat: Sequences

  • ManyChat: Keywords

  • ManyChat Template: 100 Keywords Containing The Most Common User Inputs

  • ManyChat Audit Checklist (For Pre-Existing ManyChat Bots)

  • How to Set Up Abandonment Recovery Messages w/ User Input Multiple Choice

  • Set Up Facebook Business Manager

  • How Do Your Facebook Page Settings Affect Your Bot?

  • How To Optimize Your Page Profile and Cover Photos

  • Creating a Page Username

  • How We Measure Bot ROI and Revenue

  • Campaign Tracking Sheet Template

  • When To Use a Tag vs. When To Use a Field

  • ManyChat Bot Fields vs. Custom User Fields (CUF)

  • How To Name Custom User Fields (CUFs)

  • The List of Fields and Tags We Add To Every Bot

  • How To Lead Score

  • How To Name Tags

  • ManyChat Template: Tag and Field Planning Sheet

  • The ManyChat Pixel

  • ManyChat Conversion Events

  • Custom Chatbot Dashboard Examples

  • Chatbot Analytics Platform: Dashbot.io

  • Google Sheet Template: Google Analytics UTM Links

  • Create a Custom User Field (CUF) Formula for UTM Links

  • Create a Bot Field Containing Links That Can Be Changed Everywhere In One Click

  • Pre-Filling Links When Sending From ManyChat

  • How Do I Drive Traffic To My Bot?

  • Authorize/Whitelist Your Websites For Growth Tools

  • Creating Growth Tools For Mobile vs. Desktop

  • How to Name Your Growth Tools

  • How to Name Your Growth Tool Tags

  • How to Name Your Growth Tool Flows

  • How To Create Your Growth Tool Flows

  • How To Create a Ref URL, and Top Places We Use It

  • Custom Code: Ref URL Captures Payload Into Custom Field

  • Facebook Page Post Comments - "Comment to Messenger"

  • How To Create a Messenger Button

  • Website Messenger Widgets: Bar, Slide-in, Modal, Box, and Page Takeover

  • Website SMS Opt-in Modal

  • Customer Chat Widget

  • Customer Chat Widget: GUEST Mode

  • Custom Code: Chat Widget Shows at Specific Time From Page Load

  • Custom Code: Chat Widget Captures Payload Into Custom Field

  • Checkbox

  • "How to Scan a QR Code" Instructions For Users

  • ManyChat Audience Segments (for Tracking Purposes)

  • How To Drive Traffic From Instagram Stories To Your Messenger Bot

  • How To Drive Traffic From Facebook Stories To Your Messenger Bot

  • Messenger Ad Placements

  • Click to Messenger Facebook Ads Method #1: How We Run Them

  • Click to Messenger Facebook Ads Method #2: JSON (Not Recommended)

  • Comment to Messenger Posts vs. Click to Messenger Ads

  • Combining Comment to Messenger Posts and Click to Messenger Ads

  • Sponsored Messages

  • Messenger Inbox Ads Placement (with "Traffic" Objective)

  • Messenger Story Ads

  • Facebook and Messenger Policy Highlights

  • New Policies as of March 4, 2020

  • GDPR and Privacy Policy

  • ManyChat: The Topic Subscription System -- Helping Users Control the Messages You Send, Without Losing Subscribers

  • How To Message People DURING The 24-Hour Standard Messaging Window

  • How To Message People AFTER The 24-Hour Standard Messaging Window

  • Message Tags

  • The One-Time Notification: What Is It

  • The One-Time Notification: How to Set It Up

  • One-Time Notification Reminders: How to Stack Multiple OTNs, Which Type of Content You Can Send, and More

  • The N-Times Notifications: What Is It & How to Use It

  • How To Get The Most Out Of Your Broadcasts

  • How To Prevent Your Bot From Being Penalized/Blocked/Banned

  • How To Prepare In Case Your Bot Gets Penalized/Blocked/Banned

  • What To Do When Your Bot Is Penalized/Blocked/Banned

  • Becoming Browser Independent in a Cookieless World

  • What is Chatbot Copywriting?

  • The 6 Laws of Chatbot Marketing

  • The 7 Deadly Diseases of Chatbot Marketing

  • How and What To Split Test

  • Translating Email Copy Into Bot Copy (Examples)

  • How To Draft and Review Bot Copy (Template)

  • BONUS Session: Chatbot Copy Review For Client (Clickfunnels)

  • ManyChat Template: Best Performing Message Formats

  • Best Copy For Call-to-Action Buttons

  • Copywriting Book Recommendations

  • Why Do We Place Emojis At The START Of Sentences?

  • Copywriting Processes

  • ManyChat: Rules

  • ManyChat Rules: Annual Birthday Offer Template

  • Integromat Vs. Zapier

  • Integromat: Introduction

  • Integromat: Creating a Multi-Step Scenario

  • Integromat Error Handling: ManyChat

  • Integromat Error Handling: Rollback, Ignore

  • Integromat: Router

  • Advanced Integromat: Iterator, Router, and Array Aggregator

  • Integromat Code Snippet: How to Format Your Acuity Appointment Time For ManyChat

  • Integromat: Tracking Link Clicks in ManyChat (non-button URLs)

  • Integromat: Add a Subscriber Using the ManyChat API

  • Integromat: Update a Subscriber Using the ManyChat API

  • Zapier: Introduction

  • Map Out Your Customer Support Bot Campaign

  • ManyChat: Customer Support Template

  • Google Sheet: Customer Support Template

  • Integromat: Customer Support Template

  • Training the Customer Support Team To Use ManyChat Live Chat (Documentation)

  • Monitoring All Facebook Page Post Comments For Support Inquiries

  • Step 1: Campaign Set-Up

  • Step 2: Content & Automation

  • Step 3: Launching & Quality Assurance

  • Step 4: Reporting For a Launch

  • Step 5: Transitioning Launch Campaign to Evergreen

  • Step 6: *Optional* Transitioning Evergreen Campaign to Launch

  • Step 7: Optimization and Scaling

  • Map Out Your Webinar Bot Funnel

  • ManyChat: Webinar Template

  • ManyChat: Evergreen Webinar Bot Funnel Template (Registration in bot)

  • ManyChat: Evergreen Webinar Bot Funnel Template (Registration outside bot)

  • ManyChat: Launch Webinar Bot Funnel Template (Registration outside bot)

  • How To Capture A User's Webinar Date & Time Via Payload, with a Growth Tool

  • How To Get A User's Webinar Date & Time From An Email CRM

  • Case Study: Mindvalley - $1M+ in 6 Months

  • Case Study: Matthew Hussey - Tripled Conversion Rate Of Lead Magnet Funnel

  • How To Create a Lead Magnet Bot Funnel

  • Examples of How To Drive Traffic To Your Lead Magnet Bot Funnel

  • Map Out Your Lead Qualification Bot Funnel

  • ManyChat: Lead Qualification Bot Funnel Template

  • Examples Of How To Drive Traffic To Your Lead Qualification Bot Funnel

  • Map Out Your Chatbot Agency Project Request Bot Funnel

  • ManyChat: Chatbot Agency Project Request Bot Funnel Template

  • Map Out Your Giveaway Bot Funnel

  • How We Pick a Winner and "Runner-Ups"

  • ManyChat: Giveaway Bot Funnel Template

  • ManyChat: Referral Program Starter Template

  • Map Out Your Call or Appointment Booking Bot Campaign

  • ManyChat: Call/Appointment Booking Bot Template

  • Integromat: Video Walkthrough of Example "Call Booked" and "Call Cancelled" Scenarios

  • Map Out Your Purchase Abandonment Bot Funnel

  • ManyChat: Purchase/Cart Abandonment Bot Funnel Template

  • Map Out Your Membership Portal Bot Campaign

  • ManyChat: Membership Portal Bot Template

  • Map Out Your Sales Page Funnel

  • ManyChat: Sales Page Bot Template

  • Submit Your Campaign For Review

  • August 19, 2020

  • September 16, 2020

  • October 7, 2020

  • November 18, 2020

  • December 30, 2020

  • January 27, 2021

  • March 3, 2021

  • April 21, 2021

  • May 27, 2021

  • June 16, 2021

  • July 14, 2021

  • Mobile Phone Company: Purchase a SIM Card

  • Best Practices For Media (Videos, Images, GIFs) In Your Chatbots

  • Gathering Media Assets For Your Chatbot

  • Creating Gallery Card Images in Canva.com

  • Creating Custom GIFs

  • Add Personalized Images In Your Chatbot Funnels

  • Expiring Offers

  • Add To Your Chatbot Experience With User Nicknames

  • July 2020 Masterclass Recording: How To Increase Sales With Messenger & SMS

  • Integromasters Integromat Mastery Course

  • All Course Downloadables